Kartel Tubular Batteries Longetivity - Kartel

How Long Do Kartel Tubular Batteries Last?

When it comes to reliable and long-lasting power solutions, Kartel Tubular Batteries stand out as a top choice for both residential and industrial applications. If you’re considering investing in a power storage solution, understanding the durability and performance of your options is crucial. So, What makes Kartel Tubular Batteries a wise investment, and why they […]

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Solar battery Overheating

Why Your Inverter Battery is Overheating

Have you noticed unusual overheating of your inverter battery at home? While it’s normal for devices to warm up during operation, excessive heat can cause concern. Since inverters operate continuously, monitoring their performance closely is crucial. Mild heating of the inverter battery is not uncommon, but it’s essential to ensure it doesn’t become scorching. In […]

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How Long Can Your Solar Batteries Last

How Long Can Your Solar Batteries Last?

Solar batteries, with an average lifespan of 3–5 years, are a crucial part of your solar setup. The most commonly used type is lithium-ion batteries, which can last up to 10 years. The longevity of these batteries isn’t just about the type; it’s also about the installation, depth of discharge, cycle life, environment, and maintenance. […]

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How To Spot An Ideal Tubular Battery in Nigeria

How To Spot An Ideal Tubular Battery in Nigeria

The tubular battery comes in various sizes, so you can choose one that fits your home. They’re also budget-friendly. There are two types: short tubular batteries and tall tubular batteries. Types of Tubular Battery Kärtel Tubular Battery 220Ah In-Depth Look Kärtel’s flooded lead acid batteries are not only environmentally friendly and highly reliable but also […]

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How To Top-Up Water In Tubular Battery

7 Steps to Top-up Water in Tubular Battery

For the smooth operation of inverter batteries, demineralized or distilled water is needed. This may raise a series of questions like, Why is such water used in these batteries? How much is needed? Is it hazardous? And many more. Demineralized water, free of ions, minerals, and salt, unlike typical tap water, is safe for consumption. […]

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Why you need to get a solar battery storage

Why You Need To Get A Solar Battery Storage

What is solar battery storage? A solar battery solution enables us to store the additional energy generated by the installed solar system. Using a battery solution can significantly improve energy efficiency, resulting in a significant reduction in energy costs. Therefore, consumers with pre-installed solar systems get solar batteries to optimally use the existing potential. How […]

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How To Maintain Your Kartel Tubular Battery

How To Maintain Your Kartel Tubular Battery

Routine tubular battery maintenance and upkeep are required to ensure longevity and peak performance. Let’s face it, the battery is the lifeblood of any inverter, and a faulty battery means an unreliable power supply and, in some cases, total failure.  Here are 5 helpful tips to maintain your Kartel tubular battery: 1. Always check the […]

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